Selecting Amounts : You may estimate amounts if you do not know the exact amounts of damages or expenses you have.
Injury Settlement Amounts
Before entering into settlement negotiations with an insurance company for your personal injury claim, it is important to know how much money is fair. If you settle your case, you waive your right to any further legal action.
There are many formulas used by insurance companies and attorneys to start negotiating a settlement.
Your settlement award should include economic damages as well as non-economic damages. The economic damages will be closer to dollar for dollar of losses. This includes medical bills, property damage and loss wages. The non-economic damages are more related to how the injury has impacted your life. Most commonly understood as pain and suffering. Pain and suffering can be several times higher than the economic damages you have.
This calculation should not be taken as legal advice and is for demonstrative purposes only. Each incident is unique and should be reviewed by an attorney for legal and financial review.

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