Do not pay any fees unless your case is won. Millions have been awarded to claimants.

Thousands of people have been helped by this trusted and proven service.
What will you learn with your free review?
Talk to one of our expert car accident injury representatives. Learn pertinent information to help you understand what to do after a car accident.
How to deal with insurance
Learn how to deal with an insurance company after an accident, and understand the tactics that are used against you to reduce your accident claim.
What your rights are
Gain an understanding of your rights as a claimant and the important steps you need to take to ensure a successful accident claim.
What resources are available
Learn about resources that may be available after an accident. If you have been injured, would you want to have medical treatment without paying out-of-pocket and replacement transportation?
Most Importantly – You will be on your way to maximizing the amount you can get for your accident claim without having to deal with the insurance company.

How can a professional review help
Speaking with a professional in your area will help you have realistic expectations about your case. They will review the facts about your accident which could be included on an accident report along with any witness of the accident and photographs if applicable. They will also review any injuries you have sustained as a result and how this impacted your day to day life. This includes incurred medical expenses, missed or lost wages, loss of enjoyment and overall pain and suffering. If you take the route of hiring a personal injury lawyer to fight for your claim, there is no upfront cost and the attorney is only paid a portion from your settlement. Statistically, accident victims still walk away with more when employing an attorney because on average settlements awarded by represented claimants are 3.5 times higher.
Car Accident Injury Facts
Car accident injuries are any injuries sustained from being in a car accident. Broken legs, arms, ribs, ankles, and wrists are common in car accidents. The severity can range from whiplash and headaches to serious breaks and compound fractures that require surgery.
Most settlements are calculated by adding and subtracting multiple items. These can include adding medical bills, pain, suffering, lost income, subtracting case costs, health insurance reimbursements, and attorney fees. The number from this equation is the net payment for the injured party.
Even a minor car accident may cause minimal damage to your vehicle. Unfortunately, this may still cause injuries. Injuries that can be caused by a minor car accident can include whiplash.
When someone claims injury in a car accident, the party at fault becomes liable for the expenses that the injured party will incur to address the injuries and further negative consequences directly related to the injury.
Yes, a car accident is considered trauma. PTSD can be developed after any type of traumatizing event. Car accidents can certainly be traumatizing enough to cause mental trauma and PTSD.
The parts of the body that are most likely to be injured in a car accident are broken legs, arms, ribs, and wrists. Other common injuries include strains, cuts, bruises, and head injuries. Always remember to wear your seatbelt to help minimize injuries.
Yes, while car accident injuries mainly happen immediately. There are some that can take days or weeks to appear. Always seek medical attention after a motor vehicle accident.
Yes, any impact from the car accident could cause damage to your transmission. If you notice any red colored fluid under your car, then you may have a crack in your transmission. After a car accident, alwyas have your vehicle inspected for damages.
The injured party can receive a settlement from the at-fault party for car accident injuries. This is a percentage of any economic loss from the accident. Examples include lost income, repair costs, and medical bills.
Head injuries are one of the most common injuries in. a car accident. Depending on the severity of the impact, an injured party can suffer brain damage or untreated injuries could lead to brain damage.
Yes you can, pain and suffering is the physical or emotional damage caused by a car accident. The severity of your trauma can impact how much you are entitled to. It is important to seek medical attention after a car accident to get checked for injuries.

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